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Speed post Courier Company is one of the fastest and best courier service company in India. If you want to track your courier you may log on to website and enter the tracking no on the tracking box given All the details of your speed post courier came in front of you



Registered post track


Registered mail is one of the postal services offered by Indian Post. It is a highly secure postal service that is delivered only to the person whose name appears on the letter. The recipient must provide an identity upon collection of the package and must sign upon receipt of the package. The price for this high compared to the speed post. All communication with authorities and companies takes place by registered letter. So that it can give the sender proof that the end customer has received it.



Indian Post offers two types of postal services. They are domestic and international. The Express Mail Service (EMS) is for international post and the other post as normal post for domestic post. Follow the step-by-step process below to check the status of India Post-Tracking.


Speed post Courier Company is one of the fastest and best courier service company in India. If you want to track your courier you may log on to website and enter the tracking no on the tracking box given All the details of your speed post courier came in front of you



Speed post has been an international courier service provided by Hongkong Post since 1973, with a delivery network covering over 210 destinations worldwide and 1 900 cities in the mainland. Speedpost is well-known for its convenience, reliability, value for money and worldwide coverage. Over the years, we have fulfilled our mission in helping small and medium enterprises (SMEs) develop their courier business.

Speedpost has a wide international postal administration network. Urgent items to most of the major countries and areas are delivered by courier teams of the respective postal administrations with solid understanding of the delivery environment. No matter it is a commercial or residential district, urgent items will be delivered there on time with our efficient and reliable services provided to our customers.

To further enhance our global courier service, especially in Europe, US and South East Asia where SMEs frequent for business transactions, Speedpost collaborates with nine major postal administrations (Australia Post, copyright Post, China Post, Japan Post, Korea Post, United States Postal Service, British Royal Mail, La Poste and Correos Post) in enhancing delivery efficiency and developing new products.

As online business is becoming increasingly popular, there is keen demand for courier services to overseas buyers or remote areas. Leveraging its strength in delivery network, Speedpost is able to reach remote delivery destinations with ease.

In 2012, Speedpost received Gold Level in the Universal Postal Union EMS Cooperative Certification in 2011 for outstanding express mail service performance. It is the highest level of recognition received by Speedpost for ten consecutive years since 2002. We continue to commit to providing satisfactory courier services catering for both business and individual needs. As our slogan suggests, "Speedpost delivers the World", we will deliver urgent items to every corner of the world as fast as we can.


 About speed post courier service

The speed post courier service should be available to both private and business customers.

• Fast and safe: Speed ​​Mail Courier is delivered to the courier. Thesis parcels want to be transmitted by air or other fast means.

• Weight: The minimum load weight for which the speed after courier shipments is 0.5 kg. Maximum weight of mail courier shipments at a speed of 20 kg.

The maximum weight of post courier items that can be booked by a contractual (business / corporate) customer in certain centers is 35 kg.

• Door-to-Door Service: All Speed ​​Mail Courier shipments must be delivered regardless of their weight. Business / corporate clients receive pick-ups from their premises.

• Insurance: Courier Express shipments must not be compulsorily insured regardless of their weight or value.

• Diversion and Return to Transmitter: Divert feature is not available for Speed ​​Mail courier customers. The same shipments can be returned to the sender if they could not be delivered. Shipments want to be returned to the sender over the same transmission channel they were received over.

• Compensation: In case of loss or damage to the speed post courier or contents thereof, the compensation amounting to one thousand rupees or the actual value of the parcel or the lost content, whichever is less.

• Network coverage: Speed ​​Mail Courier can be booked from anywhere.

• Postage payment:

1. Retail customers may pay postage to use the services either in the form of stamps or in cash or by franking.

2. For corporate customers the following payment options are available:

3. Prepayment Facility: The customer can use the deposit facility. In this case, the amount will be credited to a specific account (a unique customer number assigned to the customer) that will be debited when posting shipments.

4. Credit Facility: Clients can avail credit facilities for booking courier mailings that meet the conditions and criteria prescribed for them. Monthly invoices are issued for shipments booked in a given month, and the customer must make the payment within a prescribed time limit.

5. Payment at the time of booking: Corporate customers who do not wish to use a line of credit or prepayment facility to book their Speed ​​Mail courier items can make the payment when they hand over the items for booking. In such cases, the consignments are to be paid in advance either by affixing a stamp or by making a free impression.

• Quantity Discount: Wholesale or corporate customers who sign an agreement with the department receive an attractive discount that meets the specified criterion.

• Inexpensive: A Speed ​​Mail courier facility is available for residential customers. Under this facility, customers can be collected up to Rs. 5000 / - as value of goods at the time of delivery.

In order to meet the requirement of large customers to collect quantities for more expensive goods, a cash on delivery facility is available which allows recovery of up to Rs. 50,000 / - at the time of delivery of shipments.


Important steps for tracking speed post


India Speed ​​Post Tracking Service allows you to easily track the delivery information of your shipment.

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• Search and enter the tracking number you received when booking the package.

• Press the track button.

• Tracking results are displayed immediately in the following section.

• If you want to switch to full-screen mode, you can click on the link "Open in new window".

• Your privacy is fully protected. We do not store tracking information.

What kind of articles can be tracked?

• Registered letter

• Insured letter

• Recoverable letter

• Insured value certificate

• International Pursuit India Post

• India Post copyright Tracking

• Track shipment India Post

• Registered packages

• Paid package

• Insured value to pay package

• Registered journals

• Registered package

• Insured package

• Business

• Business Package COD

• Express package

• Express package COD

• Electronic Payment Order (E-MO)

• International EMS

• Electronic Wertbriefpaket (eVPP)

Where can I find India Post customer service numbers?

Speed ​​Post Customer Care Call Centers are available for all popular cities in India. In the case of a request, you can call the customer care executives or contact them directly by email for details. Here you will find information about Speedpost customer care.


How to track Speed Post Status


India Speed Post Tracking service allows you to track the delivery information of your consignment easily.

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Find and enter the Tracking number given to you during parcel booking.

Press track button.

Tracking results will be displayed instantly at the below section.

If you want go to full screen mode, you can press "Open in new window" link.

Your privacy is fully protected. We don't store any tracking information.



What type of items can be tracked in speed post courier?

Registered Letter

Insured Letter

Value Payable Letter

Insured Value Payable Letter

International Tracking India Post

India Post copyright Tracking

Track Consignment India Post

Registered Packets

Value Payable Parcel

Insured Value Payable Parcel

Registered Periodicals

Registered Parcel

Insured Parcel


Business Parcel COD

Speed post courier

Speed post courier COD

Electronic Money Order (e-MO)

International EMS

Electronic Value Payable Parcel (eVPP)

Where for find India Post Customer care numbers?

Speed Post customer care call centers are available for all popular cities in India. In case of any query you can call customer care executives or can directly email them with details. Find speedpost customer care details here.



13 digit Tracking number is important


Speed ​​Post is India Post's leading express service and offers time-bound express delivery of letters and parcels weighing up to 35 kg. Supported by UPU, EMS Speed ​​Post provides quality service to every corner of India and 99 other countries.Tracking tool allows you to track the current location and delivery status of items, shipments, packages, etc. sent via the India Post. This is a secure, simple and easy-to-use tracking tool because all data is encrypted during transmission and we do not store any information or tracking number with us. At the time of booking your item through Speed ​​Post for national and international destinations, you will receive a receipt from the Post Office. A unique ID number consisting of 13 alphanumeric characters is printed on top of the receipt. This is the tracking number or shipment number that you will need later to track and track your item. The receipt also contains other details such as the weight of the item, the tariff amount, date and time of the booking, meter number and OP code. But the 13-digit number is the most important part of the India Post's Trace and Track system.




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